Hello friends

L went back to school last Friday. She is now in year nine and I haven't had to buy her any new uniform yet. I bought her a new skirt last year (same size as the year before) and they still fit her. I bought her a new jumper last year (same size as the year before) Still fits. I will however buy her a new one at half term as it will be warmer for winter along with a new track suit. Still wearing the same shirts from year seven (not yet gone grey). Had to get new shoes, L is very heavy on her feet which results in new school shoes three or four times a year. L's hair is back to a normal colour but quite dark to cover the pink. It two goes to cover it up and still it has a pink ting to it but it's more acceptable. We did get a colour stripper but can't use it if the colour has henna in it, which the pink did. My suggestion to L is to leave colouring her hair now until she is at collage when she will be allowed to keep her colours.
This lot should keep us going for a year |
During August Bank holiday we went to stay with some friends in Alston and whilst there I went wild raspberry picking. They are so delicious and this year there was plenty for me and the birds. Last week I mad Raspberry and Cranberry jelly (jam). The cranberries were out of the freezer, I'd bought them earlier in the year when they'd been reduced.
Last week my dad said the there were a lot of blackberries near his allotment so one evening L and I went to pick some. We got about half a bucket, I didn't weigh them, and not a bug in sight. I have made some Bramble Jelly.
And Next I have made some low sugar Lemon and Lime Cheese/Curd, very refreshing. I should have made more to fill the bottom jar.
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We have been invited to M's nephews 30th birthday party and joining him in the celebrations are his girlfriend, also 30, and his son who will be 11. The invitation came covered with superheroes as a clue of what to buy. So after racking my brain I came up with the idea of a joint gift. A blanket, but not any old blanket but a comic strip hero blanket. Something that they could snuggle up under whilst watching a film. First I looked in a few comics and trawled the internet for ideas. Then I got a squared lined book to work out my patterns and sizes. I have completed 16 knitted squares with
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crochet edges. The squares represent a comic strip hero and not a look-a-like so I will include a quiz sheet (without answers) for them to find the heroes. I've put up four pictures for now and see if you can guess who they represent. I will tell you the answer in my next post. I have enjoyed designing and knitting this blanket. I have still to stitch it together and do a few rows of edging and fringing, The fringe is also representative of a comic character, can you guess which one?

I have also been making some gift tags to sell at a craft fair L and I are doing later this month. These will go with the ones I made earlier in the year and we plan to make some more this week end.
I am still decluttering but I will do an update at the end of the year.
Time for a brew no, I feel exhausted after all that, Would you like one?