Hello friends

It's great to be back. We had a lovely Christmas at home and with extended family. We were then all poorly with a stomach bug, L being worst hit and me the least. We were recovered by New Years Eve but lacked energy however we all managed to stay up to see the new year in (although I fell asleep half an hour before).

During the two week break L and I did some crafty bits. We have two sets of the Jenga blocks. L decided to paint one set in rainbow colours. They looks so bright and colourful and a joy to play with.

I did some crocheting. This is my diary cover. I think I made it a little too small because it made the corners curl outwards so I made straps to keep them down and also to keep any loos papers safe. I always seem to collect loose bits of paper in my diaries. Anyone else do that? Next I made a cover for L's new tablet. I also made a little pocket for under the flap for any memory discs she wants to use.
I made my shopping list pad by cutting up my old calendar, any one else do that? I used to just throw them away in recycling bin.
I haven't made any new year resolutions because I never keep them but I have set some challenges again this year:
1 Continue with the decluttering 365 things. It worked well last year and we still have far too much in our home.
2 I would like to loose three stone before August. I lost 2 stone last year after I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. So I want to continue with my new eating plan (was hard over the holidays). And why August, well, my youngest brother is getting married in Jamaica and we are going with them (sooo excited, It's a dream holiday) and L is bridesmaid. I will still have some way to go to get to my "perfect" weight but I want to make each step achievable.
3 I need to improve my time management. I spend way too much time procrastinating and not doing. I feel I need to get myself more organised and in the long run I think it will help me for when I return to the world of work. How am I going to do this? I'm going to get an appointment diary and book in my daily tasks and appointments and I just might succeed if I see it written down.
4 Use my recipe books more to make tastier family meals. I don't mean going silly and making gourmet meals but just ordinary tasty meals. I feel that I have become a rubbish cook.
5 I will continue to knit and crochet and maybe some sewing but I want to try something a bit more challenging this year. I will show and tell in time.
I still want keep things frugal as much as I can, Yeah I know going to Jamaica is not very frugal but I will tell you about that another time.
It has finally stopped raining and I need to go out so I will catch up with you all again soon and thanks for dropping by and your new year messages.
Try to keep safe and dry