How are you this weekend? The weather here has been ok, A bit of sun, some cloud, a cool wind and a little bit of rain in the evening.
chilli sauce |
chilli honey |
Radio Wave |
A couple of stalls that were cooking some foods using chillies. The aroma was so good.
Once you'd had your fill you could wash it all down with some chilli cider. We were going to give this stand a miss but we spotted M's younger brother there with his partner (J and D) so we popped over for a chat. J gave us a taste of his cider. It was quite unpleasant and I like cider.
L and I felt that there was one stall missing, an ice cream stall to cool the burn. Will we go again next year? probably not.
Once it was all nice and clean and dry I sorted the contents and had to throw some items away because they had freezer burn. I then put all the loose bags of individual items into a larger bag. For example all the veg went into one bag, chicken into another, chips, waffles etc. went into another and so on. I don't know how long it will stay like this but one thing for sure we don't need any sausages for a few weeks. I have enough red fruit to make some jam/jelly. I just need a chicken to cut up and some bread for my freezer shop this week. I have enough bones to make some good stock (Tues afternoon Job). I want to use up some of the freezer stock over the next couple of weeks now that I know what is in there.
I've just enough time to watch the end of Jurassic Park before I start making tea. Thank you for dropping by it's lovely to read your comments and I always look forward to them.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend