I had a wonder around my small back garden this morning after hanging out the washing. It was cold, nearly frosty, but the sun was shining and it was lovely.
Come and see what I found
2 Alpine strawberries almost ready to eat. There was another hiding under a leaf ready to eat, not any more - delicious. I do love the delicate flavour of these but you do have to grow many for a dish full.
1 plum tomato that needs just a little more ripening. You can see the sun reflecting off the skin.
These are Nasturtiums. I pulled all the plants out early Autumn because I didn't want them to dropping too many seeds but because it's been so mild some seeds have sprouted.
Blueberries. These were very small so I left them for the bird but they're not interested - must be plenty of other food stuff about. I think I'll pick some over the weekend see what they're like.
This Fushia (not sure of the spelling} twig is from next door that grows right next to the fence and under it. Even so it's still flowering.
It feels really strange seeing these plants in December when they should all be asleep.
Does anyone else have plants in their garden that should be asleep but are not?