Hello everyone.
A quick update on the invalids. M appears to be at a stalemate where his back is not getting any better but neither is it any worse. This coming week he should have a check up at the hospital but no date has arrived as yet and when he phoned last week the neuro secretary was very vague and unhelpful.
L had a check up at the hospital on Friday and she is recovering well. We got all the answers to our questions and advised to change our routine with L's pain relief to get more benefit from it. We do have some photos of L's spine on M's phone and waiting for him to email them to me and will do a post on them soon.
Ok back to the heading. Yesterday was National Libraries Day and I was asked by our local library if I was available to do a table with the Twiddle Muffs. Of course, I said yes. It also gave me a chance to escape for a couple of hours. Our library is quite small but there were 18 tables promoting different things mostly what goes on in the library at various times.

Here's my table next to Helen's. Helen runs the Home Library service, for Lancashire County Council, and over the last few years has become more involved with dementia. She has some amazing picture books from different decades and each page is dedicated to one subject. Also on her table she has a box of men's collars, a wooden box with a brush attachment for sweeping crumbs off a posh table, smelly soaps like Coal Tar and Camay. She also makes up memory boxes and hires them out (like books)
I gave a few of my twiddle muffs away and what I had left I gave to Helen to pass on.

These couple of ladies are local authors and were doing book signings. The lady in the black and white top is Hannah Emery (her MIL comes to our craft club). Hannah's first book is called Secrets In The Shadows and is set in 1920's Blackpool. I got one and so looking forward to reading it. She also has a second book coming out, in the spring, called The Secrets Of Castle Du Reve which also sounds good. Hannah is on twitter @hannahcemery.
The other author is Katherine Ann Angel and she has three books which sound interesting. her books are aimed at 13 - 93 years. She has a website
www.katherineannangel.com. Katherine will post out her signed books, gift wrapped and postage free.

Some other tables at the event was a lady doing flower arrangement's where you could have a go and then keep what you made. She comes to, the library, do demonstrations about four times a year.
Jewellery making from a couple of ladies from craft club (meet each week at the library)

There was a scrabble game going on where anyone could join in. On Saturdays there's a group which play board games, aimed mostly for the children to encourage them away from their electronics. It also encourages real communication.
The Windmill Payers were there promoting their latest production but doing little sketches. As I was taking this picture a gentleman had got up and bellowed very loudly, and making everyone jump, that he was the owner of the local windmill (Situated a few yard from the library built in the 1700's). The Windmill Players was established 75 years ago and put on about 2-3 big productions a year and a few little ones around different locations. They also do Murder Mysteries at the library which are fun.

Every Saturday a group gets together to play War Hammer. It looks very complicated but the boys were well into it. If you click onto the picture it should go bigger and you will be able to see the set up. Under the tables there were more figures and trees, buildings and things. The guy who runs it was at the side painting some other figures.
Other things going on was a lady promoting energy efficiency and how to keep warm during the winter, A lady doing French braiding, kids crafts (they meet in the library once a month) an IT man who was there to help with any IT problems/solutions either in the library or at home. The local sports centre had a table too, promoting healthy lifestyles.
The morning was a great success with lots of visitors however the library needs all these people to come back and borrow lot's of books to keep it open as it's in danger of being closed.