Yesterday I went grocery shopping and spent £25 less of my budget. How did I do that?
Well I took a tip from Frugal Queen. On Sunday she did an inventory of her cupboards, fridge and freezer before she went shopping. I did the same on Monday also I stick a piece of paper onto the front of one of my kitchen cupboards so that when I use something up I write it on the list (M is on permanent training) and then take the is with me,
After doing the inventory I found I didn't really need that much. One thing I did get was two chickens. Didn't have any real chicken in the freezer.
I always butcher a chicken so that I get several meals out of them which is what I did yesterday.
Here they are all portioned up. The wings were cut up and bagged for the freezer. These will be saved for the Boxing Day buffet and some will be flavoured with some kind of sauce or dressing.
The legs I skinned and jointed them and put together a chicken casserole. Two breast went in the freezer and the other two I batted them to make them thinner, spread on some garlic and herb soft cheese, rolled them and wrapped them on bacon. Next I wrapped them in paper lined foil ready for cooking.
The carcass's were cut in half and put in a pane with scraps of veg and boiled for stock. When the bones were cooked I drained the stock off and put that to cool so that I could skim off the fat then freeze ready to make soup. I stripped the bones of any cooked meat and that will do for sandwiches.
I had a hospital appointment yesterday afternoon at Wigan, I've got a polyp on my tongue that needs to be removed,(80 mile round trip). I set the oven timer so that tea was cooked for when we got home. I filled the oven with the wrapped chicken (tea) jacket potatoes, carrots and sweetcorn cobs in a casserole filled with water and a tight lid and the chicken casserole (which will go in the freezer today).
I did some knitting in the car as I have two more book cover orders from L's Friends. Oh, by the way hubby was driving.
Today's tea is pizza, L made in food tech, with salad homemade coleslaw.
Hope you have a good day
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