We had a few errands to do in Cleveleys, live get some passport photos done for L they should have cost £5.99 but because M came with us and the shop assistant knew him (from the taxi - ranks up outside the shop) she knocked off the 99p. (great) and then we had a look at L's favourite shop.
There were a few people out just for a walk and walking their dogs even a unicyclist was out with his juggling balls (behave, he had three)
We came across this shell. This picture was taken on our walk back to the car because the sun was then behind us. It's huge and the best thing about it is that there is no rust on it and it has survived the worst battering for years unlike the new seats and tables that have been unstuck and shifted by the bashing waves.
Some of the old sea wall had been bashed about and broke which is not too bad as that is due to come down and replaced soon.
Next we came across the Ogre. He's got a really cute face. He looks longingly at the cafe on the prom. Probably hoping that someone will bring him a hot chocolate. He must be very cold sat there all day and getting buried by the cold sea twice a day.
Soon after we went home for some lunch and now it's really dull.Think it might rain later.
All these characters are from this book written about a local legend. I was luck enough to find it in a charity shop in pristine condition.
Hope you're having a nice weekend and then back to school for some.