Thank you for your kind words on my last post I really appreciated them and I feel a bit calmer now.
We have another sunny day again today, wow That's three day on the trot but unfortunately it's all about to change and it'll be back to normal, rain.
I made some chocolate scones on Sunday, a bit of an experiment. Ooo they are so good. I put some cocoa powder in with the dry mix and instead of using a milk and egg mixture to bind it all together I used egg and soya custard (it needed using up). The mix was very soft and wet and when baked was still moist (a bit cakey). when a little cooled I split them and spread chocolate spread. (well they had to be tested, didn't they). They would have been extra nice with some whipped cream on top. L loved them, M hated them. Next time I'll make them bigger, extra yumminess.
Has anyone else been involved with the Baden Powel Challenge badge? When I was in Guides it was the Queens Guide badge (I didn't go for it) now the Senior Section, formally known as Rangers, do this one.
I'm off to enjoy some sunshine so I will catch our with you again soon
Those fortune cookies are amazing, I must try them!
They taste great too. Make sure you have the cotton gloves it will make the folding much easier and you won't burn your fingers either. What did you end up doing with the Beaver for CNY?
Hi Carol - just thought I would let you know I have been on your blog - don't ask me how I got here - I have just been having a wander!! Looks like you live over the hill from me and a bit further North perhaps? I like blogs about everday life with a bit of crafting thrown in so I will be back for another read. Happy baking they certainly look delicious. Viv
ReplyDeleteHi Viv, You are welcome to pop by anytime just pull up a chair and a brew. We live just a nigy bit inland from Blackpool and a small slip north. I shall give you a visit later in the day.
You would be very welcome at the moment as I am on enforced rest this week after injuring my foot at the weekend. I am starting to watch daytime TV now in desperation especially as hubby went away yesterday morning so I have done more than 24 hours on my own and have taken to talking to the TV!
DeletePS If you cannot make it just send one of those delicious looking chocolate scones instead LOL!
Just read your post re your foot, ouch. Hope it gets better soon. Daytime tv can get a bit boring. I'm sending over a chocolate scone, Can you catch? weeeee splat, oops sorry! I think that was a bit high, you'll have to get hubby to scrape it off the ceiling.
Ooo Carol you must be near me! Those fortune cookies look AMAZING x I was in the Brownies and LOVED it. I hated EVERY minute of the Guides. Well, at first I dd. I was a 10yr old brownie quite in awe of all those glamorous 15y o guides!
ReplyDeleteI wonder where you are? I was a Brownie then went to Guides but left when I was about 13 I think I grew out of it because they played a lot of Brownie games and it felt too childish.
I'm in the county town - there's a castle!!
Deleteaha I think I know it. If I'm correct it's a place I've not yet visited but would like to.
Those fortune cookies look so good! I loved brownies and guides, did the Baden Powell award when I was in guides. My wee girl is in Brownies and loves it.
ReplyDeleteMarianne x
The cookies were good, fiddly to make though. I was also Brownie and a Guide but there was no such badge as the BP only the Queen's Guide which I didn't do. unfortunately I didn't have a very good Captain (as they were then known). The leaders of today are great, very encouraging, helpful and supportive as well as very organised with the weekly activities.