Sunday, 2 March 2014

Hearts, Stars and Arrows

Hello friends

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Yesterday the weather was lovely and L and her friend decided to do some street art, with chalk, in the back garden, It was mostly themed around One Direction.  Afterwards they had a game of stars and hearts.  Looks like it was a draw.
It rained last night and all the chalk has now washed away.

 It's a bit dark miserable and cold today but that has not bothered M and L because they had their first archer lesson at the local sport centre. The lessons are two hours long and is a six week course. Both enjoyed it and it's a good bonding activity between father and daughter (they don't do much together) The class is  made up of both adults and children but L was the only girl. After the six weeks they can continue going each week at a later time to just enjoy their new sport.

Enjoy the rest of the afternoon



  1. I wonder if I was a youngster, if I would find 1D attractive?!!!

    1. I suppose if we were kids we would be crazy for them. L loves Niall and was always asking how much I liked 1D. I always said that they are young boys and I don't fancy young boys but their music is alright, I can listen to it.

  2. And what will you do with your free time?
    Love from Mum

    1. mmmm, now that is a good question and not one I thought about, (Thanks for the nudge), Let me see, NOT no way will it be house work, I need to get out more so might go walking in my own area. I went with them this week so that I could get some photos for L because she can use the new hobby thing for he Baden Powel badge.

  3. Looks like our driveway too :) Just with Skylanders and Avengers :)

    1. unfortunately we don't have a drive way. We did away with most of our front garden and concreted it so that we could have off street parking. We do have a lovely raised bed at the front though.

  4. Chalk outside is fab! My two love using chalk outside, last year they drew a rainbow on the side of our house!

  5. I bet that rainbow looked fab. The best bit about chalk is that it washes away ready to start again



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