Sunday, 11 May 2014

Wedding Gift Dilemma Solved

Hello friends

Hope you are all having a good weekend and not getting too wet.

Welcome to new follower, Jeannette, Hope you enjoy my ramblings of everyday life here at Spring Cottage. I will drop by your blog soon and see what you get up to.

L and M went to archery at lunch time and I made a roast chicken dinner for when they came back and whilst I had the oven on I made some biscuits which taste quite nice but are too cakey and not crispy. I'll not make them again. I also made a pork and mushroom casserole ready meal for for the freezer for when I don't feel like cooking.

Ok, the wedding gift dilemma I had was that my friend daughter is getting married in July this year and we've been invited to the evening do. On the invite it suggest that presents were not needed as they have already set up home they had all that they needed and that money would be much appreciated.  I don't like giving money for two reasons. 1 - Money gets swallowed up into every day expenses and then there is nothing special to show for it and, 2 - How much/little do you give? what is an acceptable amount? and we didn't want to look like cheap-skates by not giving enough.
After racking my brains for a few days I came up with an idea but I had to buy the right colour of embroidery thread and then I got M to do some artwork as I'm not very good with a pencil and drawing. I then transferred his artistry onto a piece of cloth and did this:

I'm not a great embroiderer either, but I wanted something that was personal to them and I chose this colour of blue to link in with the wedding colour theme.
When I'd finished it I pressed the embroidery on a folded towel covered with a flat, non-textured cloth so as not to flatten the stitches and then cut it to size. 
Want to see it finished?   OK then

What do you think? I'm now thinking of sticking some, blue/silver, gems around the edge to make it a bit more glam. I would really appreciate your ideas and input.

Twiddlemuff update - The ladies at the craft club I go to are helping to make some muffs for me and have engaged some of their friends too. The library were the craft club is held are having the Alzhiemers society come and set up an information stand and asked me if I would also like to have a stand with the muffs. I agreed and some of the other ladies are coming along and doing some knitting. The support has been wonderful. Most of the ladies knew my mum from when I used to take her, and often ask about her, so I don't know if that has made a difference to the support they are giving me. I have seven muffs completed so far.

Looking forward to reading your comments.



  1. The embroidery is lovely. I would leave the frame as it is so that the embroidery is the star of the show. I think blinging it up may detract from the embroidery.
    I wouldn't like to be asked for money as a gift,no matter how much it would be appreciated. It would be enough to put me off going to the event, but then it's all very different from my day when we were grateful for anything that we received!

    1. Thank you Scarlet. Asking for money did make me feel a bit uncomfortable.

  2. I think your embroidery will make a very individual and pretty gift for the newly weds.
    Love from Mum

    1. Thank you mum. I was kind of thinking in that way too.

  3. I think it's perfect as it is x

  4. That is a lovely gift, I agree that the frame should stay as it is, your handiwork should be the star of the show.



I've taken some time to think this through and decided to stop blogging. I'm not getting out of it as much as I did when I first sta...