Saturday, 1 October 2016


Laura is 17 today. Time is going just too fast. It only feels like yesterday we were celebrating her 16th birthday.
She is growing into a lovely young lady who knows what she wants and has the will power to strive for it.
She has no time for idiots but still knows how to enjoy herself.
Last year she had a bit of a rough time with studying for her GCSE's, cancelled operations, her friend moveing to a different school, it all go too much. But to see her so happy now and laughing more is wonderful.
She's enjoying college even though they're long days with an hours travel each way.
We and the rest of the family are wishing her a fantastic birthday.


P.S.  It was a sad day yesterday as the library, as we know it, closed it's doors for the last time. I went in to see the ladies in the afternoon when I'd ,finished work, and found them drinking wine and eating cakes left over from the McMillan coffee morning. Some staff are taking redundancy but others have to apply for other jobs and are up against their friends for the same jobs and there are so few jobs. I feel so sorry for them.


  1. Happy birthday Laura. So sad to hear that yet another library is closing. What a loss to the community.

  2. Happy birthday to Laura!
    Really sorry about your library. We're still waiting to hear about ours, but I'm really not hopeful.

  3. A very Happy Birthday to Laura. Time goes by so quickly. Thornton Library closing is the end of a very long era and it's very sad to hear it is to close.



I've taken some time to think this through and decided to stop blogging. I'm not getting out of it as much as I did when I first sta...