Friday, 12 April 2013

Nurse Maid.......

Hello friends

Hope you are having a good week.

My week has been nursing the sick. My dad got a stomach bug and was quite poorly. When he's poorly is is quite short tempered and likes to be left alone and doesn't want any fuss so bearing this in mind I brought mum back to our house for the afternoons and had tea with us. This gave dad a chance to relax when he went back to bed. His Dr said that there was a lot of it going around.

As soon as dad recovered poor L came down with a different bug. She had such a high temperature and just felt so ill. I dosed her with calpol and was also placing a wrapped cold compress on her head. I don't know what it was but you can be sure the Dr would have said it was a virus and to drink plenty. This morning when she got up she said she feels like herself again and feels wonderful.

Have a nice week end



  1. Sorry to hear it's been a week of bugs and poorlyness (my new word for the day!) It seems there's a lot of colds and sickness bugs doing the rounds at the moment. I hope your daughter feels better soon.

    1. Hi Sarah and welcome. Love the new word poorlyness.
      L was feeling much better today and managed to go to the cinema this afternoon.



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